The life of Me!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

School in 2 days!

Hello, So I haven't used this thing in a while. I can't believe that school starts in just 2 days! Ok, where did the summer go? It actually starts tomorrow but I only go on Tuesdays and Thursdays, seeing as tomorrow is a Wednesday I don't go. I guess I am all registered, I still have to buy paper. I just found out that I was accepted to be a big sister in the big brother big sister program. Thats exciting, I guess they don't think I am some pervert. The guy went on Vacation so I still didn't get a kid yet. Anyways, Birthday went well, I am officially old enough to buy liquor and smokes, not like I will but I can. Tonya still didn't get that baby out of her, I believe she is due on the 14th or 15th of September so she has less than two weeks to go! Wahoo, he is going to be one spoiled little baby! I met up with some old friends the other day, ones that I went to grades 1-6 with. Its crazy seeing them again cause they changed so much but yet they didn't? Its cool though. It makes you wonder if you would of still hung out with them if I wouldn't have moved. My friend also just got a new bunny and it is so cute. It is also very tiny and black. I haven't been to the drive in for a long time but I did go to a movie on Friday evening with Carinne Jim and Sonia. We went to see Invincible. It was very good. I enjoyed it. It was about football. I was surprised that it was disney though. Although it was clean, so it makes sense. Before the movie we all went to Pat and Willies to eat which was sooo good. Even though it was a day after my birthday, I still got my meal for free!(sweet deal) I also got a mango daquari, which I ended up finding too sweet and left about half of it in the cup! Anyways, nothing exciting, just my life!


Blogger Duffy said...

Pat & Willy's rocks!! Might be my fav restaurant in Ch'Town. I'm glad to know Big Bros/Sisters dont think your a pervert!! Thats always good.

12:45 PM  

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